Friday, November 28, 2008

Rocky Road

One thing I got to see thanks to the "Let's Show Steve the Algarve Tour" was Praia de Rocha, a very popular Portuguese beach. Beaches are usually pretty simple concepts: sand, water, sun, towels, and fun ensues. Easy combination, not much to it. So it’s tough to get excited about one. But this one was pretty nice. Praia de Rocha (which literally means “beach of rocks”) has a reputation in Portugal for being pretty touristy and it is located in a fairly fancy schmancy tourist area. So we got up early one morning and made the trek to see what all the fuss is about.

It definitely lives up to its name. There were boulders in the sand and in the water, which strangely, made it endearing. When we left, I had a hard time coming to terms with our neighbourhood beach with its gaping lack of boulders in the water. I was never the same.

A boulder in Praia de Rocha. You can see how high the water rises in the winter
My sister Jen and I

Momma Mendes

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