Saturday, August 30, 2008

Who Is Going to Clean this Carpet?

I almost forgot about this. One of the good things about staying in Brussels through August is that I got to see the flower carpet. The night before, crews set up in the Grand Place and cover it with flowers. A tradition dating back to the 1970s, they do this every two years. It only lasts three days so it's a major event that happens on a long weekend and brings hundreds to the Grand Place.

Some people viewed the spectacle from the ground. But I joined the eager beavers and took in the view from the top of City Hall. Here are some of the pictures.


Unknown said...

Mendes! That title! You've only been out of J-school 4 months!

Dee said...

Opps! Thanks for catching it Joni!

My only defense is that I was on the phone while I wrote it. Never blog'n'chat.

Dee said...

And I suck at grammar.