Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Self Evident Truths and Inalienable Rights

I usually write about European politics and European culture, but today is a momentous enough occasion for me to step away from that for a while. On the day of Barack Obama's inauguration as the 44th President of the United States, I thought it would be fitting that I at least mark the occasion.

By now expectations for his presidency are so high, he'll need to walk on water to not disappoint. Being a student of history and international relations, I don't really want to add my two cents to the millions of people (both paid and not) who are speculating about his presidency. I will share more about what it's been like experiencing this election abroad with a later post. But on Inauguration Day, it might be interesting to think about other inaugural addresses, great orators (both real and fictional) and the power of words.

With that, please enjoy this article about former presidential speechwriters from my friend Sara.

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