Wednesday, January 28, 2009

United Magnets of Europe

Remember when I said that I had started collecting magnets from the cities and countries I've been to? Ever wonder what it looks like? Well here it is. The first is the country, the rest are cities I've been to in the country.

The entire collection

Belgium, Portugal, Spain and the Netherlands

Germany, France (Lille) and Luxembourg

I'm still missing Bonn because the souvenir shops were closed by the time I went there. This doesn't include Paris or Dublin because my magnets are at home in Toronto. Niether does it include the other places I've been in my life, before this summer.


Anonymous said...

So I think this is the greatest idea! And I totally want to copy you when Katie and I go to Europe in May. It is such a good way to get a souvenir from each place you visit. Plus it is practical: magnets take up very little space and weight. You are a genius!

Dee said...

Obviously I agree! My friend who worked at the Canadian Embassy in Brussels was doing it. I saw them on her fridge and I thought it was genius.